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multiple star 【天文學】聚星。

multiple telegrams

Nature of the universe - chapter thirteen our sun is a single star with approximately constant brightness . in fact , in the universe , many stars are not alone , they interact with each other to form binary or multiple star systems 我們的太陽在太空中孤獨地發放穩定的光芒,但在宇宙中,很多星星并不會單獨地存在,而是和其它恒星組成雙星或甚至多重星系統。

When compared with the multiple star systems , they consist of many more stars , from tens to millions 相對于多重星,星團內恒星的數目多很多,由數十以至數百萬顆不等。

If three or more stars interact with each other , they form a multiple star system ,若有三顆或更多的星互相影響,我們則稱之為多重星或聚星。